According to BrightEdge, artificial intelligence is seen as the second largest marketing trend (26%) – with consumer personalization (29%) in the first place. As we’re specifically talking about the integration of artificial intelligence with account-based marketing (ABM), let’s get straight to the point.
Artificial intelligence can be a powerful tool when utilizing an account-based marketing strategy and take it to its full potential. Both of these utilities can altogether form 1:1 sales & marketing relationships with the targeted audience.
Wouldn’t it be beneficial for customers to get an account manager each? Moreover, Gartner claims that by the end of 2020, most of the enterprises won’t need humans to help customers. While we’re still to see this revolution, but it definitely implies that artificial intelligence and account-based marketing has a strong relationship.
Artificial Intelligence Use in Account-Based Marketing
The use of artificial intelligence in account-based marketing can also be referred to as programmatic ABM. With the ability to perform human-like tasks including speech recognition, visual perception, translating between different languages, and decision-making, AI makes it easier for enterprises to streamline their to-do lists.
In this regard, here are 5 ways artificial intelligence plays a critical role in account-based B2B marketing.
1. Determining Account Intent
Accessing user intent is one of the most time-consuming things in any business – including account-based marketing. This is where artificial intelligence comes in handy. AI can help build a programmatic ABM tool to gather intent while the account selection process.
AI can help you filter out the most relevant data from a whole addressable market. Separating accounting data according to the account threshold, headcount, and sector using AI will not only save time but also the cost.
Artificial intelligence is most useful in finding intent in a timely manner. It follows special algorithms to abstract irrelevant data and aligns the accounts with the data you seek. Thus, if you have a small timeframe to find account intent, now is the right time to initiate ABM with AI.
2. Quality Analysis & Reporting
Compiling attractive slides and large spreadsheets in solos that makes data interpretation effective, easier, and timely. Being effective doesn’t mean this approach is intelligent. This is where AI shines.
AI is helping account-based marketers to identify patterns in bulky spreadsheets and never-ending slides to predict future results. Account-based marketers are also using AI to keep track of their competitor’s social media activity and beat them by a mile.
Thus, more and more enterprises are using AI-based applications for quality analysis and reporting.
3. Personalized Content
When it comes to ABM, content personalization should be put on top of the list of priorities. Whether we’re talking about newsletters, ad copy, email draft, or content posted on social media, if it doesn’t align with user interest, you will not benefit from it.
Well, thanks to AI now it is easier to personalize any to every kind of content using artificial intelligence. ABM yields the best results when customized yet high-personalized content is delivered to the targeted audience.
Natural Language Processing, an element of AI, boosts account-based marketing campaigns by producing content that users want to see, hear, and interact with. Narrative Science and Sentient Aware are contributing to the same efforts.
4. Highly Targeted Advertisements
Highly targeted ads are directly in relation to personalized content. Though we’re probably talking about the same thing, its essence and value are different. Using raw data, an artificial intelligence program helps in devising the trending subjects your targeted audience seeks and areas where they’re willing to invest more.
This helps account-based marketers to create campaigns using the right information to grab maximum audience’s attention.
5. Account-based AI Sales Team
Correct alignment of ABM campaign and sales is crucial to hitting your desired goals – and creating an account-based AI team helps in boosting sales while gathering behavioral information from the audience.
This practice yields better results than relying on traditional account-based marketing – obviously AI has a better impact than a mere smiling and dialing rhetoric sales team.
Though programmatic ABM is not a one-to-one dealing with customers it doesn’t harm the customer’s relationship with the company either.
Overall, artificial intelligence has a wide range of applications and each one can be used for a different operation in account-based marketing. Though we can’t say that we’re on a stage to replace humans with AI, but it can definitely put some workload off the table.