While it may sound vague to some people, AI can certainly act as a cure to the current Coronavirus. And that is why we will look at how this AI can help in treating the Coronavirus.
First, before we get into that, let’s first look at what the Coronavirus is all about.
Coronavirus[1] is a virus that originated from Wuhan, China. It is a modern-day virus that has some health organization worried about its spread. As of the 10th of February 2020, more than 12,000 cases across the world had been confirmed, and unfortunately, 240 deaths.
While it is not necessarily a super virus, there are some key areas of concern with this virus which include: Super Spreaders.
A super spreader is a person, that for reasons that involve genetics or something else, seem to spread the virus faster than other patients. Once, such a report had come up recently in China, that a super spreader had infected 14 health workers in the hospital where he was treated with the virus.
Now, this is very serious stuff if you ask me, and that’s why we will be looking at how AI can help find a caure for the Coronavirus.
Social Media
When I say social media, you might already have a picture of people posting pictures online and staying connected with one another. But in the aspect of data analysis, irrespective of what you may think of social media, these platforms are data gold mines.
This is because, the scientist can now take the posts that people are creating everyday online, and mine through it for information around Coronavirus[2] report. Put differently, they can now generate maps in almost real-time, based on what people are saying online.
According to John Brownstein, the Canadian epidemiologist at the Boston Children’s Hospital, “During SARS in 2003, there wasn’t a huge amount of information coming out of China. Now, we are constantly mining social media and the news.
Researchers at Viterbi School of Engineering are currently working on an algorithm that is comprised of demographic, behavioural and disease trends to understand the spread of viruses.
In other words, they will be able to use the extremely complicated maps, to trace how Coronavirus[3] is spreading around the world.
They made previous successful algorithms that worked on gonorrhea in the United States, and tuberculosis in India. While implementing these algorithms, the researcher found that in both cases, their algorithm worked best at predicting and stopping the spread faster than health organization.
Watson (IBM’s Artificial Intelligence)
Yes, I’m talking about the same Artificial Intelligence that was used in the evening public show “jeopardy”. The same IBM’s Watson can be used to identify a molecule that is able to protect the immune cells in human bodies.
It will not only protect the immune cells in your body, but it will also fight off diseases and viruses as they start mutating.
In a nutshell, these are perfect examples of how AI can be used to protect humans from diseases and viruses such as Coronavirus. While it may sound vague to some people, AI can certainly act as a cure to the current Coronavirus. And that is why we will look at how this AI can help in treating the Coronavirus.