If you’ve ever wondered about the Internet of Things future applications, the overall future of the Internet, examples of Internet of Things applications, the greater Internet of Things future scope as it relates to the working class, future development of IOT potential for small software businesses, or anything else of this nature, then you are in the right place. That is all we are about to talk about.
Top 10 Future IOT Applications to Watch
1. Number One Application, According to Most: Smarter Farming
Quadrant Farms for 2019 & Beyond: Real Solutions to Real Problems
Currently, the planet holds only one vertical fish farm, and it’s found in Singapore. It features a multi-story rooftop setting and much more. But the plan is to start a second one, in Nigeria (particularly within Lagos), presently the largest African country. Yet the solution to the problem, which Quadrant Farms hopes to present, is another problem of its own and is two-fold: 1. It has been hard trying to raise funds as people are hesitant to invest in Africa. 2. It’s a new business model, so it’s hard to figure out all the variables.
Let’s take a closer look.
First, did you know more than half of the entire Nigerian market’s fresh fish demand remains unmet? We’re talking about a whopping 66%, and that’s not all. In addition, further adding to the problem is the factor of high costs overall, which only rises with the increased cost of water supply inbound and outbound, the lack of relevant commercial technology, and the growth in transportation prices. Plus, Nigeria’s current growth population rate only continues to skyrocket at 3.75% per year, and that number is expected to increment even more rapidly.
As if that were not enough, the country’s current total demand, as we mentioned, far surpasses that of the count of fish both locally sourced and those imported internationally, in addition to the supply gap itself (which, by the way, sits at appx. $4 billion). So, is there a problem? Take a good luck at the numbers, once more, and you tell me.
Change must happen now. And it must be foreign, in addition to domestic. If we all act, in the proper course of IOT, all things considered, we can all enact the change we wish to see in Nigeria — and the world. Tomorrow starts today.
2. Pulse Oximeters
These devices are small. They’re no less potent, despite their size. Ultimately, they guide you on the highest altitudes while assessing your oxygen levels.
3. Smart Eye Tech
The Smart Eye application uses smart sensors. It connects to WiFi, Bluetooth, and more. It basically acts as a ‘digital screen’ right at eye length.
4. Air Pressure Detectors
They’re just like what they sound. They’re electronic though. And they’re faster than the usual ones seen at the tire shop.
5. Smart Glass
It monitors water consumption. Did you drink enough water today? It’ll remind you to, in case you haven’t met your needed daily quote.
6. Lighting Control
Wireless is the keyword here. And it can be in homes now. This facilitates wireless lighting everywhere.
7. Special Armbands
They’re not the ordinary kind. They’re a gesture – controlled. They detect the body’s motions instantly.
8. Smart Cities
More cities will be affected by IOT. More will be interconnected. Automation will soon further explode.
9. AI
This refers to Artificial Intelligence. It’s a rising trend that will be even bigger.
10. Better Routers
They’re one of your home’s “entry points“. They’ll now be more secure and smarter as well.
That’s ten great future IOT applications to be on the lookout for, in the final summary. The future of IOT, as you can see, is ever-evolving. Keep watching the trends.