The future of AR technology is bright and unstoppable. Giant tech companies have invested heavily. CIOs are expected to pioneer the transition in various companies. How ready are they? Are you a CIO? Share your experience with us.
AR technology is a hot potato that is expected to revolutionize the world of business. Their applications are extensive, covering almost every sector of the economy. The majority of people on their receiving end are CIOs. They are the ones expected to adopt the technology and spearhead it to various departments. There is also the debate on whether AR is replacing VR. Regardless of discussions generated, AR is here to stay. It is just a matter of when and how.
However, there is one elephant in the house that requires attention; how to get CIOs up to speed on AR technology. Currently, there are little or no courses offering AR technology. This is a significant limitation for most CIOs. However, most of them have an advantage: their background. It makes learning fast and quick.
Here are three ways CIOs can up their game when it comes to AR technology:
Join AR Community Specialists
Since there are no academic programs, a viable way for CIOs to learn about the technology is to interact with AR community members. This approach has succeeded in the past. When programming was new, very few people mastered the art. However, through interactions with a few tech-savvy individuals, more people gained new knowledge and got the experience.
Virtual Courses
The internet offers various specialized courses. CIOs can enroll in some of them, namely:
- Udemy- Augmented Reality
- Coursera
- Microsoft
- Self-Learning
CIOs can also do an individual study to learn a few tips on AR. This is important in learning certain specialties. Although this looks good for beginners, it is also a platform to learn new techniques, approaches and best ways to integrate AR into your company.
Learn by Practice
Practice is probably the most practical way for CIOs to learn. Use a free AR development platform and play with it. Most experts agree with this form of learning.
Jump in and try. Have a goal to achieve: a project to accomplish with AR technology that suits your company. You will discover that it is more interesting than getting in a classroom. However, if it doesn’t work for you, you have other ways to learn.
Pilot Projects
Most companies haven’t rolled out the use of AR tech because of cost implications and the need to plan. The smartest way to approach this is by launching pilot projects tailored to suit your company. This gets CIOs up to speed and prepares them for what is to come. Through the experience, they stay ahead, learn where challenges might arise, and discover how to solve them.
Pairing Up with Other CIOs
Working with other CIOs either in person or via the internet makes it possible to share knowledge and experience. Creativity comes out of working as a team to accomplish a particular task.
The other partner may be more advanced and can train the partner on areas of weakness, and vice versa.
In a few years, AR technology will no longer be optional. The growth rate is high, and big tech companies have embraced the move and invested heavily.
Most players must position themselves to ensure they don’t miss the ship. CIOs are the leading players in any company when it comes to tech. CEOs depend on CIOs, and customers will always come first!